The atmosphere and conditions around the workplace are closely related to the productivity of employees. Thus why clean air in the workspace must always be considered, to avoid various kinds of diseases that can arise due to dirty air, such as headaches, flu, and allergies.
To ensure that employee health is always kept safe, several things cannot be missed and you should do. Here are the important things that need to be done in order to keep the office air quality fresh and clean.
The Bad Effect of Low Air Quality in Employees Productivity
According to research, low air quality in the office is not good for health. In particular, it will also have a really bad effect on employees’ productivity. Especially if your office is located in an area with uncontrolled pollution levels, it will be very detrimental for your physical and brain health.
Employees who work in poorly ventilated offices will have a decrease in performance. This is because polluted air in the office environment can slow down cognitive abilities that keep you focused on tasks and overcome distractions around you.
The dirty air is able to decrease cognitive abilities, due to the lack of fresh air which allows pollution and CO2 to increase so that the brain will be deprived of oxygen. Dirty air will make a person work slower than those who do their job in an environment with cleaner air.
How to Maintain Air Quality in the Office
Clean the Air Conditioner Regularly
Air conditioner is a very important machine to utilize in the office. With an air conditioner, you can keep the office cool and comfortable for all the employees. As an electronic device that is installed indoors to filter air, it is only natural for a lot of dirt and dust to stick to the air conditioner. Afterward, the dirt and dust will then be scattered again throughout the room each time the air conditioner is turned on. Replacing your air filter with a standard 20x23x1 air filter will help your system remove particles like dust, pollen, and pet dander from the air. This can help reduce allergens and other irritants in the air and create a healthier environment.
Therefore, cleaning air conditioners regularly, at the very least once every three months is needed to keep air circulation clean. Remember that clean air quality is very influential on the health and performance of employees.
Keep Room Away From Cigarette Smoke and Pantry Smoke
To keep the main workspace fresh, and free of odors and pollution, it’s a good idea to separate it from the pantry or smoking room. Because the smell or smoke of cigarettes has the potential to interfere with the comfort and concentration of employees, especially for employees who do not smoke.
In addition to the rules regarding the smoking room, installing a roof ventilator is also recommended. The roof ventilator will function to remove dirty air. Thus, the possibility of air pollution in the workspace can be minimized.
Put a Doormat at Every Door of the Room
Placing a mat in front of the door is very important to reduce dirt that enters the office space. Dirt and dust that sticks to footwear can be greatly reduced with mats. As a tool for cleaning the bottom of footwear, mats should be replaced every one or two days.
Apart from putting a foot mat, another way to reduce dirt from outside entering the office can be done by enforcing a no-shoes policy in the office. Simply provide a shoe rack at the entrance to the office and provide clean room slippers.
Keep the Floor Clean
Before and after office hours, the entire floor of the room must be cleaned. After sweeping or cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, floors that are not carpeted should be mopped with a solution of clean water and an anti-germicidal floor cleaning fluid. You can hire professional office cleaning in Singapore, to ensure the condition of the office is kept clean and spotless. Ensuring healthy and clean office conditions is the best thing that you can do to ensure the office air quality is always being maintained.
Maintain Office Air Quality With Indoor Plants
Placing plants indoors can also help maintain air quality. Several types of plants can function to neutralize the air. For example Sansevieria, Yellow Palm, Paris Lilies, and Dutch Betel. The presence of plants in office spaces can at the same time beautify the room and improve employee health.