Chronic interstitial cystitis is common due to the pressure and discomfort it places on the bladder. Sometimes it’s tolerable, but other times it’s excruciating. Nobody knows what set it off right now.
Irritation and inflammation of the bladder are common symptoms of IC, as is an increased need to urinate due to the bladder becoming more sensitive and incapable of holding urine for an extended period of time. Urinary frequency is increased in people with IC because of an increased need to urinate frequently. The bladder is beaten up, contracts, and bleeds as a direct result of this.
Effects of IC on body
You can’t hold urine for long periods of time if you have IC because your bladder is so weak that it’s practically impossible. It’s possible that you’ll have the urge to pee but only pee a small amount. Low sexual desire, pain in the bladder, weakened bladder tissues, inflammation, and swelling can all be caused by a weak bladder, which can lead to an infection in the urinary tract.
Because IC is not caused by bacteria and does not respond to antibiotics, it should not be confused with the more common form of cystitis.
Effects of IC on your life
It can have a significant impact on your daily life, from how you exercise to how you sleep, eat, and socialise. You may find it more difficult to function and go about your daily routine if you don’t address the symptoms sooner rather than later. In your romantic relationship, low sexual drive can result as a side effect of this condition. Your ability to relax and sleep soundly may be jeopardised because of this.
Complications related to IC
interstitial cystitis can result in a number of complications if left unnoticed and untreated:
Sexual life problems
The constant need to urinate and the accompanying pain in the bladder can put a strain on your personal life as well as your relationship with your significant other. This could cause you to have a lack of sexual intimacy as a result.
Emotional issues
Interstitial cystitis can be a source of emotional stress and depression because it causes constant discomfort and the inability to get a good night’s rest. Because of these symptoms, it can be difficult to concentrate and complete tasks.
Compromised quality of life
It’s possible that the pain and swelling in your bladder will make it hard for you to do your daily tasks, talk to other people, and go out with friends.
Symptoms of IC
It’s possible that individuals with IC may present with a unique set of symptoms and signs. They can be severe for some people, but they can also be mild. The pain and swelling in your bladder will make it difficult for you to do your daily tasks, talk to other people, and go out with friends if you have IC.
- pain and burning in pelvic
- recurrent urge of peeing
- painful sexual intercourse
- Stressful night
- heaviness of the bladder
Diagnosis of IC
Because the symptoms of IC are so similar to those of other urinary disorders, tests cannot rule it out. As a result, your healthcare provider will conduct a variety of tests to determine the underlying cause, including a medical and physical history and exam. Your doctor may perform the following test to make sure it’s not a possibility:
A urine sample is taken to look for specific cells and chemicals. This can be used to rule out the presence of germs, red and white blood cells, and protein in the solution.
Urine culture and cytology
A sample of urine can be seasoned for the existence of microorganisms and white blood cells using this method.
Punctured urethras are inserted into viewing devices, which provide a view into the bladder and the rest of the urinary tract. Since the last time this was done, there have been no obstructions or structural changes.
How to treat IC?
Interstitial cystitis is currently untreatable with any effective treatment. The goal of treating IC is to alleviate the symptoms as much as possible. Some examples of this include:
Bladder enlargement
As its name suggests, it aims to increase the size of the bladder through this procedure. The nerve cells in the bladder that send pain signals are also affected.
There are a lot of drugs available for treating the IC like you can buy Trimethoprim online from Access Doctor, which is the most popular medicine for Cystitis. Medicine may be taken orally or kept right away in the bladder.
In the case of severe IC, the surgery is performed to remove all or part of the bladder, provided that the medication doesn’t work.
treating IC at home can also be done if the following things are performed:
Diet management
It has not been scientifically proven that it can be treated by changing a person’s diet, but it is thought that foods high in alcohol, tomatoes, citrus, and spices may cause the bladder to swell.
Smoking worsens the symptoms of people with IC.