Dry, dead, flaky skin is a thing of the past – for smooth soft skin, don’t forget to moisturize!

The harsh winter is finally over, and the sun is out again! However, one problem many people find in the summertime is dry skin. Not only does it look “bad” to have dry skin on our hands and feet, but it also can lead to highly uncomfortable itchiness. This article will go through many ways how to moisturize your dry skin from head to toe, including a description of what causes this problem in the first place. So if you want to keep your skin in tip-top condition this summer, these are some great tips.

Though, you don’t have to accept a harsh winter, as an excuse to neglect your skin’s moisture needs. Those with already dry or sensitive skin are especially at risk in the chilly weather. Still, even those with oilier complexions need to be proactive about preventing their skin from drying out. Whether you use a cream or another moisturizing product, these tips will help keep your skin feeling its best all season long.

  • Use the suitable soap:

The first thing to do is to make sure you use a suitable soap if you have dry skin. For example, if you don’t wash your face enough or use the wrong soap, it will make your oily skin too dry and irritated. Soap is a barrier to our bodies because it prevents oil from making us greasy. If you use a strong soap that can strip the skin’s natural oils of natural moisture, the skin will become dry and irritated, which then causes it to lose even more water through evaporation. Look for soap with moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter or something similar.

  • Use an OTC hydrocortisone:

You can also use an over-the-counter cream that claims to hydrate the skin, like hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone works to prevent water loss from the skin through the process of osmosis. It means it will help moisturize your dry skin. It only works on some, but it is very effective on those who have sensitive or oily skin. You can also try balancing cream from a trusted platform. Many opt for this because they want a quick fix and feel like they aren’t being scammed into buying something that claims to do something but doesn’t do anything.

  • Consider natural products:

Finally, many people are turning to natural products because they feel they are less harsh chemicals when treating dry skin. Many natural moisturizing creams include some form of oil along the lines of jojoba oil or rosehip oil. These oils will help the moisturizing process soothe your skin and make it less irritated. Once again, these work better on those with sensitive or greasy skin.

  • Use a cream:

If all else fails, try to use cream in combination with over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream. Just be sure you only use enough of each product to start with and then adjust from there. Use only a little of either product, or you will end up with an oily or greasy mess on your hands and feet. Also, many people find that these two moisturizing products work better as a team, so consider combining them.

  • Use a natural moisturizer:

Many people also resort to using a lotion to help keep their skin hydrated throughout the day, even if they don’t use it daily. For example, many people prefer raw shea butter because it is solid at room temperature and makes a nice lather when you rub it into your skin. Many creams also work well on the skin.

  • Keep Your Face Flake-Free:

Some people try to use whatever moisturizer they can get their hands on for their face, but there are specific products you should look for when you want to keep your face flake-free. Choose a moisturizing cream specifically designed for your face, which will do wonders in keeping those pesky flakes away. Also, if you choose a product that comes with an exfoliate or scrubbing beads, this will help you not only get rid of your dead skin but also prevent the build-up of dead skin on your face.

  • Slough Off Dead Cells:

Once weekly, a scrub or exfoliating product is the best way to keep your face moisturized throughout the summer. Exfoliating your skin will help slog off dead cells and keep your skin feeling dewy. It will also decrease the time you need to use moisturizer because exfoliation is a way to get rid of those dead cells before they can build up again and clog your pores.

  • Make a Moisturizing Mask:

If regular moisturizers aren’t enough, consider using a homemade mask that people can use to help hydrate your skin. You can make one out of yogurt, honey, and olive oil and boil potatoes until they are tender. The ingredients help promote new skin growth and make your skin feel amazing. Just be sure you don’t use too much olive oil, leaving your face feeling oily.


Once you get out of the harsh winter, there is nothing better than feeling summertime on your skin, and that is why you need to take preventative measures to ensure you keep those problems at bay throughout the season. If you want your skin to stay smooth and hydrated, try applying a healthy moisturizer all over your body once or twice a day.

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